Jumat, 16 Oktober 2020

SOS4LOVE Project 2020

  Name : Imelda Adistya Ayu Nuradilah 

  Grade   : 12 MIPA 7

  No. abs : 18

 Week 1

📷 photo with Astronaut

The corona virus pandemic (Covid-19) not only affects Indonesia's economic growth, but also has an impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB / SDGs).  The SDGs target for a healthy and prosperous life which targets the health sector also needs improvement in terms of access, services and health equipment.  Therefore, I chose SDGs number 3. During this pandemic we must maintain our lifestyle by exercising, eating regularly, taking vitamins to keep the immune system away from Covid-19, and we must comply with health protocols implemented by the government.

Week 2

📷 photo with Helmet

Motto : "True treasure is health, not gold and silver"

Health is the most important treasure of life, all activities can only be done when the body is in good health. Living a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise is the easiest way to maintain fitness and prevent disease. Let's love the environment, from loving ourselves to adopting a healthy lifestyle to prevent the current spread of the corona virus. We must maintain a healthy life for the sake of common prosperity like SDG goal number 3, let's apply SDG especially number 3 to protect us from the dangers of COVID-19. Apply love to all of you so that everything we do can be achieved.

Week 3

📷 Videos
