Senin, 23 Maret 2020

Procedure Text


1. Read the two texts above!
2. Analyze the differences and the  similarity of those two texts!
3. Then plan to make the Indonesian traditional food or drinks, practice at home with your family!       
4. Don't forget to take the photos of your activities steps by steps! 
5. Write your procedure and explanation texts!
6. Post your texts with your photos on your blogs!

2.  Difference
🐣 Explanation teks :
1. Explanation text describes events  created by nature, not man-made
 2. Do not use step or step
🐣Prosedure teks :
1. Procedure text is made up of General  structure, where the general structure consists of   goal and material
2. Procedure text consists of steps or methods.
    Equation :
Explanation text and Procedure Text both explain about the process of something happening

3 - 6.
🌻 Procedure Text

 How to make bonagung herbal medicin.( cold medicine ) 

   🌴 Material :
   - 1 ginger segment
   - 1 teaspoon of powdered tea
   - 7 cardamom grains
   - 7 clove seeds
  - Honey (can be replaced by palm sugar,  rock sugar)
   - water

🌴 Ways of making :

  - wash all ingredients
  - then cut the ginger into small pieces
  - Boil all ingredients to a boil and change color


- turn off the stove when it has changed color

- chill the herbs first
- after that strain the herbs and pour into a glass, then add honey

- stir until honey is mixed evenly

- herbal medicine ready to serve

🌻 Explanation Text
       Jamu is a term for traditional medicine from Indonesia.  Lately popular as herbal or herbal.
      Herbal medicine is made from natural ingredients, in the form of parts of plants such as rhizomes (roots), leaves, bark, and fruit.  Herbal medicine usually tastes bitter so honey needs to be added as a sweetener so that the taste is more tolerable for the drinker.  one of the traditional herbal medicine is bonagung herbal medicine.  here's how the bonagung herbal medicine is made.
    First prepare the ingredients namely, ginger, powdered tea, cardamom, cloves, honey, and water.  Wash the ginger thoroughly, then cut the ginger into small pieces.  Heat the water, boil all ingredients until boiling and change color.  turn off the stove when it has changed color.  then cool the herbs first, after that strain the herbs and pour them into the glass, then add honey, stir until the honey is mixed evenly.  herbal medicine is ready to be served.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2020

Personal letter, Cause and effect, Explanation

Personal letter

January, 11 2020

To whom it may concem :
Re : Personal Reference - Syafira✨
I know syafira for over 1 year. At first I didn't know him, but since the rolling bench I knew about him. Syafira sat in front of me. We are getting closer. We often tell stories, do assignments, and joke around. Right now, I sit down with him. We are becoming more and more familiar. Some times we fight over trivial matters but make up again. Syafira has a hyperactive, beautiful, kind, and friendly personality.

Imelda Adistya✨

Cause and effect

        Many species from polution. There are water polution, ground polution, air polution, and soall. From there, have cause and effect. First it water polution. We know that, this problem make ourself felling afraid. Because, the water is main source of human life. If there is not water then humans will have trouble drink, washing clothes, a shiwer, and so forth. Why it can happen? Certainly comes from the human activity like throw waste into the river.
       Second is ground pollution not much different with water polution, ground polution also coused by human activity like the use of pestisida excessiveforce that can be destructive to soll fertility.
Thirst is air polution. Air polution is caused from the carbondioxide excessive so that the number of oxygen dismissed ge factory also be a major factor air pollution this so can make humans trouble breathing and can be stricken with asthma.


Global Warming

     Global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the entire surface of the earth in the atmospheric part of the sea and landmass.  Some things that scientists still doubt are about the amount of global warming that is expected to occur in the future and how warming and the changes that occur will vary from one region to another.  The average global temperature at the earth's surface has increased by 0.74 0.18 C (1.33 0.32 F) over the past hundred years.  Many consider this change only a small change, but can have a big impact on the earth.
     This increase in temperature can change the climate, causing changes in weather patterns that can cause an increase and change in rainfall, wind and storm, and natural disasters that can take many lives.  The increase in the surface temperature of the earth is produced by the radiation of sunlight into the Earth's atmosphere, then some of this ray is transformed into heat energy in the form of infrared rays absorbed by the air and surface of the earth.
The process of global warming is caused by many factors, especially by human activity.  The cause of global warming worldwide is due to the increasing population of technology, industry, and also the increasing population.  Here are the causes of global warming:
1. Greenhouse effect
 The greenhouse effect is an atmospheric process that warms the planet.  Greenhouses occur as a result of heat reflected off the surface of the earth trapped by gases in the atmosphere, so it cannot be transmitted to outer space but is reflected back to the earth's surface.  The excessive greenhouse effect will endanger life on earth because it can affect the climate.
2. Increased Greenhouse Gases
 Gas has the property of trapping heat, so heat reflected from the earth's surface cannot be transmitted to light due to the gas, and this gas is called a greenhouse gas.  The most gas is carbon dioxide.  The cause of carbon dioxide increases due to the burning of coal, oil and natural gas fuels.
3. Pollution of Gasoline-Powered Vehicles
Pollution produced by gasoline-powered vehicles such as motorcycles, cars, and other vehicles, where the results of the disposal of pollution produces excessive carbon dioxide.  Carbon dioxide is the biggest cause of global warming because this gas traps heat so heat cannot go out into space.
4. Excessive use of electricity
 Excessive use of electricity is one of the causes of global warming, because more and more energy is being used.  The use of electricity is too much at home even for things that are not necessary, and this makes electricity generation requires a lot of energy.  The use of more energy causes global warming to increase.
5. Forest destruction
 Forests are very useful, because lush trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.  If forests are damaged due to careless logging or burning, what happens is that the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by forests decreases and more carbon dioxide collects in the atmosphere so that it can increase global warming.
6. Methane Pollution by Agriculture, Plantation, and Animal Husbandry
 Methane gas can come from oxygen-deprived organic material from the breakdown of bacteria such as in agriculture and plantations, while in livestock, such as cattle intestines.  So the increase in livestock production also increases the methane gas released to the surface of the earth.
7. Excessive Burning of Waste
 Excessive combustion of rubbish carried out en masse will lead to global warming because of the burning of the rubbish is methane gas.  Methane gas is one of the causes of global warming.
     From the explanation of the causes above, global warming also has an impact on life on earth as well as impacts on nature.  Following are the effects of global warming:
1. Melting polar ice caps and glaciers.
2. Rainfall will increase and storms will occur frequently.
3. Ground water quickly evaporates and will cause drought which will cause many hardships for human life.
4. The weather is difficult to predict and more extreme, be it drought or rainfall.
5. The spread of various diseases such as DHF and Malaria that can attack humans.
6. Animal and plant populations will decline and cause scarcity of animals and plants.
7. Sea level rise which will cause tsunamis, floods, and islands will sink.
8. Increased food pests due to climate change and will have an impact on farmers' incomes.
9. May result in crop failure, because many farmers' land is submerged due to extreme weather which causes rainfall to increase.
10. The increase in cases of people dying as a result of climate change and also the weather, such as hot weather which affects many humans are dehydrated.
     Global warming can be overcome if all people in the world have the awareness to minimize the causes of global warming, such as doing things to overcome it, for example as follows:
✨ Reducing the use of gasoline-powered vehicles, such as cars and motorcycles.
✨ Use electricity as needed, not excessive.
✨ Reforestation and greening.
✨  Make adequate home ventilation.
✨ Creating or using environmentally friendly fuels.
✨ Save plastic or paper bags.
✨Using alternative energy.
✨Conserve forests and reduce tree felling carelessly.
 Global warming is a problem that is the main focus in the world.  This phenomenon is caused by human actions and also from nature itself.  To overcome this, it requires human efforts so that global warming does not increase, because it is impossible if it is directly overcome, it must be piecemeal.  Global warming is difficult to overcome, but we can reduce its effects.  Countermeasures this by our awareness of the future life of the earth.  If we have instilled our love and concern for this earth, then global warming is only a dark history that has ever befallen this earth.